WI5ARD messages

fromtotime message
KN4DND WI5ARD 10/26 14:49:24z Reply Good Morning to you sir.{KA}
N5DGK WI5ARD 10/26 14:24:15z Reply Are typing on the 500, or using a keyboard? I'm on a keyboard.{6
WI5ARD N5DGK 10/26 14:21:16z Send another first time with ftm-500.{05
N5DGK WI5ARD 10/26 14:20:43z Reply That's a great radio. The 400's nice, but I like the 500 better.{5
WI5ARD KN4DND 10/26 14:06:15z Send another GOOD MORNING{04
WI5ARD KN4DND 10/26 14:01:53z Send another GOOD MORNING04
N5DGK WI5ARD 10/26 14:00:34z Reply Hey, Russ. Good morning. APRS seems to be working okay.{1
WI5ARD XLAKE 10/26 13:59:31z Send another good morning{02
WI5ARD N5DGK 10/26 13:59:22z Send another GOOD MORNING {03
WI5ARD NF4J-9 10/26 13:44:20z Send another good morning from bush la01
WI5ARD NF4J-9 10/26 13:44:10z Send another good morning from bush la{01